Are you Compliant with “Customs Act 1901” ?

Are you Compliant with “Customs Act 1901” ?

This act mandates that all owners and importers of goods must retain records for 5 years and be able to produce records as required. Penalties apply should you not comply. Are your records protected and archived for 5 years? If you are not absolutely certain you must...
History of Ransom-Ware & how it works

History of Ransom-Ware & how it works

I just found this excellent video on YouTube that I thought I would share with you. It explains very well what Ransom-Ware actually does and how serious a threat it is. The video was published September 2016 but has never been more relevant than today. In the...
Security… Why Do I need It?

Security… Why Do I need It?

We live in a world where everyone seems to believe that nothing bad will ever happen to them so they don’t have to take any steps to prevent the worst. Unfortunately, it is this kind of thinking that can make our job very difficult. Computer security is very important...